Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thieves Thwarted

The production van parked in the lot in front of our office was broken in to over the weekend. The crooks drilled out the lock on the side cargo door. The van was empty, and nothing was taken. But it's going to be a pain for Matt (who handles the insurance for the van) to deal with.

I think I'll contact my insurance agent and see if he's willing to write up something for pixelcadabra on business insurance. It's an important topic, suddenly made a tad more relevant for us, here.

And yes, by the way, there is a special circle of hell reserved for the thieves of the world. I don't want to get into the gory details, but let's just say it involves endless backflips off of the couch, while watching reruns of Jm J. Bullock in Too Close for Comfort.

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