Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cool Tools a Decade Later

I recently stumbled across this article from Digital Content Producer

It's a listing of some of the exciting tools video folks are using - in 1998!

Oh, let's see...Photoshop - check! After Effects - check!

Oh, the Digital ICE cards. These were cards you could plug in your Mac that would accelerate certain rendering functions, particularly blurs and glows. They were expensive, and we never had them, but I knew plenty of people who did. Many got their money's worth, but Moore's Law meant the computers were getting faster and faster, and these didn't stay around very long.

Speaking of computers, the article mentions the speedy PowerMac G3, the computer they were hoping would save Apple. Yes, there was much hand-wringing over Apple's fate back in those pre-iPod days. Back then, the PowerPC chips were touted as being destined to far outstrip the Intel chips, which were going to burst into flames at any moment due to the heat they generated. That never quite happened, and of course Macs now run quite happily with Intel CPUs.

Times change, and it seems the rate of change keeps increasing as well. I wonder where we'll be ten years from now?

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