Friday, May 23, 2008

Why Most Execs Give Lousy Presentations

Andy Craig posts a really spot-on article at on why so many corporate execs, otherwise excellent communicators, give such lousy presentations.

"You didn’t put in the hard work in advance of your presentation. As a result, you ask your audience to work hard to follow your Death by PowerPoint presentation and the blather loosely associated with it."
Check out the entire article here.

Rehearsal is critical for any live presentation. And not just an "Oh, I'll read through this presentation and go over what I'm going to say in my head..." kind of rehearsal. Get out the projector. Use the remote. Talk out loud. Run through the slides. You will quickly find the flat spots, the transitions that don't work, the phrases that are just plain hard to say. You'll go in more relaxed too, knowing you've actually ironed out the rough spots and you won't have to deal with them on the fly.

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1 comment:

Adam Oas said...

Same as with scripting. I still have people who try to write scripts that have had one too many English classes and try to write for the human voice with proper English. The problem is that nobody speaks in complete sentences.

Read your scripts aloud, just in your head doesn't' work!