Monday, April 14, 2008

No NAB for Me This Year

Jonas over at General Specialist has a nice list of resources available for NAB news.

As for me, I decided to skip this year's show. Last year, while strolling from my hotel to the convention center with my pal Rob Birnholz, we agreed that with the availability of information online, going to NAB every year wasn't as critical as it used to be. Sure, it's nice to be able to see the gear in person, to heft that new camera on your shoulder or strap on the latest steadicam, but is it worth several days time and around a thousand bucks to do so? Not to me, not any more. (And hey, I'm in good company, with both Avid and Apple skipping the show floor this year.)

I miss seeing the friends I only get to see at NAB, pals from the IMUG list and the Steadicam Forum. There's a big social factor to NAB, connecting with those people in person. I don't really see a whole lot of business generated from the connections I make at NAB, so it's hard to justify it from that end, either.

If you've never been, and you're a person occasionally smitten with techno-lust, by all means, go. It's worth seeing, just to see so much technology in one place. Exciting and overwhelming.

But for me, it's become an every-other-year event. 

(Rob, on the other hand, changed his mind at the last minute and went to Vegas. Rob, that's the last time I go Segway riding in Vegas with you. Do you hear me?)

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